Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul

Album title: Topical Dancer
Record Label: DEEWEE
by John Noyd
February 2022
(411) Page Views

Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul  - Topical Dancer

Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul - Topical Dancer

Witty digi-dancehall catcalls choreographed in spiffy electro-funk fun, “Topical,” lobs post-colonial exposés into skewered lampoons; pastel Krautrock stocked with mesmerizing evidence tripping motion-activated statements endorsing cosmopolitan acceptance and sensual transcendence. Laughable facts extracted from social labyrinths, Charlotte and Bolis mix style with wiles where sarcasm and mockery disco down swinging in lingual commingling, stinging in sly asides and impish manipulations.

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