Spires That In The Sunset Rise

Album title: Psychic Oscillations
Record Label: FPE Records
by John Noyd
September 2020
(508) Page Views

Spires That In The Sunset Rise - Psychic Oscillations

Spires That In The Sunset Rise - Psychic Oscillations

Guided by jellyfish kismet powering abstract Krautrock daydreams, Spires That In The Sunset Rise’s clipped manipulations transform noisy voices, percussive cello, spineless flutes and huffing saxophones into elemental experiments following optional logic.  Layered cascades weaving primeval sequences into elliptical telemetries, “Oscillations,” reverberate hypnotic electronics from gurgling ghosts, roping liberated loops paved in modulated delays, arpeggiated spacewalks and sublime unquantifiable designs.

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