J. E. Sunde
Album title: Now I Feel Adored
Record Label: Cartouche
by John Noyd
February 2017
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J. E. Sunde - Now I Feel Adored
A palatable gallery framing prim prismatic anachronisms in golden melodic afterglows, “Adored,” explores hand-crafted baroque-pop with quaint restraint, studious ingenuity and transporting choruses. A Minneapolis folk artisan whose poised and polished causes deliver melancholy allegories in bittersweet suites and steadfast narratives, Sunde’s idealist’s appeals, thoughtful offers and sun-drenched sentiments prove nimble fodder for land-locked chanteys, modern-day madrigals and gallant ballads.
• Purchase Now I Feel Adored on Amazon
• J. E. Sunde Website • J. E. Sunde Facebook