Sally Sparrow & the Old 41

Album title: Never Far From My Mind
Record Label: Farspoken
by John Noyd
November 2015
(2676) Page Views

Sally Sparrow & the Old 41 - Never Far From My Mind

Sally Sparrow & the Old 41 - Never Far From My Mind

Bittersweet folktronic-pop carving hard facts from sand-shifting sympathies, “Mind,” unwinds in synth-driven inquiries divvied between good-natured bounce rattling complacent agents and steadfast crackle whose welcoming glow exposes deep-seated suspicions beneath soulful devotions. Cushioned in compact choruses and studio ingenuity, inventive Dropbox collaborators SS41’s tentative elegance fences leathery rock to cotton-candy daydreams, adding booming salutes and layered surveys to pensive introspection.

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