The Clientele

Album title: Music for the Age of Miracles
Record Label: Merge
by John Noyd
August 2017
(1326) Page Views

The Clientele - Music for the Age of Miracles

The Clientele - Music for the Age of Miracles

Courtly discourse awash in posh, wishing-well novellas, “Miracles,” wield well-mannered analysis whose royal harpsichords, sea-side calliopes and Tudor lutes scoop gilded dream-pop sorcery into swinging, psychedelic elegance. Golden moments polished and placed in Carnaby storefronts, The Clientele’s soft-sell intel makes marvelous foggy waltzes; coy, buoyant sophistication tripping down magical rabbit-holes, surrendering pretensions and hosting heavenly energies cast in silver-screen cinematics.

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