Two Inch Astronaut
Album title: Can You Please Not Help
Record Label: Exploding in Sound Records
by John Noyd
May 2017
(1453) Page Views
Two Inch Astronaut - Can You Please Not Help
Stretching reckless leads around bounce-house percussion, steeple-chasing bass and baited statements, Two Inch Astronaut’s cobra-brokered roller-coasters design sole-survivor idylls from mosh-pit pillage riding quick-draw pile-drivers into falling-down-the-staircase riffs. Capsized catapults swing cathartic slingshot catechisms to conquer doubts, expose fear and avenge offenses, helping, “Help,” delve deep to reap woeful social stingers, wringing impending send-offs with ecstatic bashes and infectious kvetching.
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