Tamar Aphek

Album title: All Bets Are Off
Record Label: Kill Rock Stars
by John Noyd
December 2020
(637) Page Views

Tamar Aphek - All Bets Are Off

Tamar Aphek - All Bets Are Off

Phantom six-string jams spread over smoky vocals, skulking drums and basement bass, psychedelic shredder Aphek’s reckless segues, prowling growls and twisted minimalism roam over gloriously torrid territory. Fluid, late-night maneuvers chased by shadowy, blues-rooted grooves, “Bets,” lets eerie delirium guide bewitching jazz-rock instincts through gloomy beauty into slick liberation, lantern-lit pantomimes flickering in spitfire grit and chiseled in flinty riffs.

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