Lace Curtains

Album title: A Signed Piece of Paper
Record Label: Female Fantasy
by John Noyd
October 2014
(1873) Page Views

Lace Curtains - A Signed Piece of Paper

Lace Curtains - A Signed Piece of Paper

Flying off the page, the wry, slightly sinister mug-shot pop-rock inside, “Paper,” delivers underhanded candor, footloose truths and gritty hubris with a journalist’s eye for detail and a crooner’s ear for tunes. Hep-cat chit-chat to rile up the riff-raff, Austin-based Lace Curtain’s clever squirrel-cage case studies uncover underground scoundrels among groovy sleuths; employing hard-luck pluck to construct solid, rollicking ruckus.

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