Pachyderm Studio Compilation
Album Title: So Large We Ran Out Of Room
Record Label: Pachyderm Studio
Review by Justin Beckner
(3126) Page Views
Pachyderm Studio Compilation - So Large We Ran Out Of Room
Pachyderm Studio is one of the true “vintage” studios still in operation today. Located on a 40 acre plot of old growth forest, the magical location is home to a Frank Lloyd Wright styled guest house as well as a separate building that houses the famed studio. The mixing board came from the old Record Plant in New York City which was Jimi Hendrix’s Electric Ladyland studios. Everyone from John Lennon to AC/DC has recorded on it. Nirvana recorded their “In Utero” album there as well as Live’s “Throwing Copper.” Pachyderm is also rumored to be haunted, but that’s another story.
The latest release from Pachyderm Studio, “So Large We Ran Out Of Room”” is produced by its new owner, Madison entrepreneur and musician Mattew Mueller, and was recorded by a mix of Pachyderm’s world-class engineer group including Brent Sigmeth and Paul Maino.
“So Large We Ran Out Of Room” features recordings of both Madison and Minneapolis artists and offers a quality look at our diverse Midwest rock scene west of Milwaukee. The best part is that you can experience this great album online while contributing to a great cause, the Pachyderm Preservation Project, an initiative to save the old growth forests surrounding the famed Pachyderm Studios from condo developers. Make at least a $1 donation to preserve these forests for future generations and to maintain the quiet surreal backdrop that has set the stage for so many great albums to be created. And in return, download a DRM free song from “So Large We Ran Out Of Room.” Artists on the compilation include White Light Riot, Gypsy Foot, Snake Beard Jackson, Shades A Grey, Down Lo, Fire the Gun (Donny Bakken’s Bliss under an assumed name doing Key of D), Karie Marie, the New Congress and more. Take a stand against the destruction of our world at the hooves of evil -swine, this may be the best money you’ll ever spend. Go to the web and check it out,
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