The Gomers

Album Title: Gomerica
Record Label: Beeftone
Review by John Noyd
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The Gomers - GomericaThe Gomers - Gomerica

A loose collective of tight musicians where salient talent and preposterous chops are a given and polished frolicking and unmitigated digs are a no-brainer, the Gomer’s zigzag swagger and curve-ball curtain-calls makes a buff buffet for high-minded low-lifes and darkly snarky farce for poison-pen letter-senders. The band’s madcap claptrap tackles cock-rock wango-tango, rabid revivalist hoedowns and black-velvet jazz cabarets as, “Gomerica,” sizzles in heat-seeking treats for an engorged smorgasbord of jaw-dropping licks, riffs and musical tricks. Irreverent petulance served with swift subversive Cheshire cat deliverance, the rocking mockers dissect with respect; tenderly rendering lascivious mischief into blues-infused boogie and prog-rock bop pollinating Steely Dan glam with sly Was (Not Was) cheekiness, elevating heavy metal into clever social revelations and dousing torch-song dalliance in freakish glee.

The Gomers Online