3 Inches Of Blood

Album Title: Fire Up The Blades
Record Label: Roadrunner
Review by Kimberly E. McDaniel
(3196) Page Views

3 Inches Of Blood - Fire Up The Blades3 Inches Of Blood - Fire Up The Blades

An entry from the “screaming vocals and how fast can we play” crowd, 3 Inches Of Blood have both of these areas covered. Musically, the band is tight and the drummer is working the double bass, but vocally, I have no clue what they are saying. When the singer lets loose with the high pitch wailing, he is slightly reminiscent of Rob Halford, but I still can’t understand him. It appears from the song titles that the band is likely influenced by some type of fantasy literature, although I couldn’t say which authors. “Trial of Champions” talks about a battle between the enslaved and the warlords who did the enslaving. There are a lot of references to killing, battles of great ferocity and feasting in great halls where great deeds are recounted. There are also a couple of instrumentals, “Rejoice in the Fire’s of Man’s Demise” and “Through the Horned Gate.” The CD comes with a booklet, which features the lyrics and drawings of horned demons and a scary guy in armor who has a severed head impaled on his sword. If you are a fan of this type of heavy metal, 3 Inches Of Blood is better than most. If you aren’t into this, listen at your own risk.

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