Letter To The People

Publisher's Commentary
by Rökker

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Results  Black Star Drumline at Drum Corps International DrumLine battle in Indianapolis, IN Black Star Drumline at Drum Corps International DrumLine battle in Indianapolis, IN

Letter To The People - September 2017
by Rökker
September 2017
(2309) Page Views

Max Ink Radio - Whats going on? WJJO - coming up on 21 years… is it their staff? Adventures with Nikko - Black Star Drumline heads to Indiapolis for a DrumLine Battle.


Rökker warming up the drums for Nikko at AtwoodFest 2017 on stage with the Clyde Stubblefield All-Stars Rökker warming up the drums for Nikko at AtwoodFest 2017 on stage with the Clyde Stubblefield All-Stars

Letter To The People - August 2017
by Rökker
August 2017
(1669) Page Views

Young Band Advice, Adventures with Nikolai from AtwoodFest, Adventures with Lizzie in waitress land


Rökker, Sonny Knight, and Teri Barr backstage at Atwoodfest 2016 Rökker, Sonny Knight, and Teri Barr backstage at Atwoodfest 2016

Letter To The People - July 2017
by Rökker
July 2017
(1633) Page Views

This issue of Maximum Ink is dedicated to the memories of two good friends in the music business, Jack LeTourneau and Sonny Knight… Plus.. Adventures with Nikko - Black Star Drumline plays AtwoodFest 2017


Nikko with Joey B. Banks on stage with the Clyde Stubblefield All Stars at the Memorial Union Terrace - photo by Sweet William Images Nikko with Joey B. Banks on stage with the Clyde Stubblefield All Stars at the Memorial Union Terrace
photo by Sweet William Images

Letter To The People - June 2017
by Rökker
June 2017
(1632) Page Views

AtwoodFest 2017, Adventures with Lizzie & Nikko….


Top 41 songs for 2016 - Madison Top 41 songs for 2016 - Madison

Letter to the People - January 2017
by Rökker
January 2017
(4316) Page Views

Last month Jimmy K, program director at Max Ink Radio, put together a special show for the year called the Top 41 of 2016. The show counted the top 41 songs by local artists in the Madison and regional area. The show was a great success taking place in front of a studio audience at the Wisco, brodacast on Maxinkradio.com and simulcast on 89.9FM WORT.

Not only did fans call in to the Wisco to ask about songs they heard, but one WORT listener actually stopped in and donated $500 citing that the Jimmy K Show reminded him he needed to give. An additional $300 was donated during the show as WORT was in pledge mode.


Owen Mays - photo by Dave Hedstrom Owen Mays
photo by Dave Hedstrom

Letter To The People - August 2015
by Rökker
August 2015
(7383) Page Views

Owen Mays and AtwoodFest 2015, Adventures with Elizabeth and Nikko




Jerry & Michelle getting married circa 1965 and then backstage at Atwoodfest 2015 hanging with Sonny Knight Jerry & Michelle getting married circa 1965 and then backstage at Atwoodfest 2015 hanging with Sonny Knight

Letter To The People - July 2015
by Rökker
July 2015
(3428) Page Views

Michelle & Jerry celebrate 50 years and Adventures with Lizzie & Nikko…. Lizzie’s driving?


Troy and Karen Thiel head to Seattle! Troy and Karen Thiel head to Seattle!

Letter To The People - June 2015
by Rökker
June 2015
(4661) Page Views

Hasta la vista baby! goodbye to Troy Thiel - Rökker Vodka at the University Club - new Summer Intern - Lizzie goes to prom, Nikko is into Rush and Zeppelin


Allison Rocker TBT - Happy Birthday! Allison Rocker TBT - Happy Birthday!

Letter To The People - May 2015
by Rökker
May 2015
(4718) Page Views

Goodbye to The Inferno, news about Rökker becoming an on-air auctioneer for Wisconsin Public Television, Adventures With Nikko and Lizzie, and Allison Rocker birthday card.


Nikko in Marko's custom Corvette seat gaming chair - photo by Mark Kroll Nikko in Marko's custom Corvette seat gaming chair
photo by Mark Kroll

Letter To The People - April 2015
by Rökker
April 2015
(3649) Page Views

This Month: The Madison Creed? Did you know Madcity had one? In fact, it’s the 100th anniversary of the document, read it in it’s entirety. Plus, Nikko racing in a custom video game chair!


Ann Walsh Bradley Ann Walsh Bradley

Letter To The People - March 2015
by Rökker
March 2015
(4064) Page Views

A word about the referendum regarding Supreme Court and how it gains leadership plus a word on Ann Walsh Bradley for Supreme Court by civil rights attorney Jeff Scott Olson


Madison East Poms Team 2015 Madison East Poms Team 2015

Letter To The People - February 2015
by Rökker
February 2015
(3347) Page Views

Distill America, Race for Madison Mayor, Local Love Fest, Adventures with Nikko & Lizzie and Madison East Poms Team


Lizzie jamming a bass guitar and new t-shirt - photo by Rökker Lizzie jamming a bass guitar and new t-shirt
photo by Rökker

Letter To The People - January 2015
by Rökker
January 2015
(3710) Page Views

E-cig Ban, Madison 2014 music releases, Rökker Vodka, Adventures with Lizzie & Nikko


Cornerstone players: Rökker, Adam Isaac, Philly Meier, Rick Vitek, Black n' Tan, Chris Long, Cameron Lovelace 11-29-2014 HNS - photo by Tommy Early Cornerstone players: Rökker, Adam Isaac, Philly Meier, Rick Vitek, Black n' Tan, Chris Long, Cameron Lovelace 11-29-2014 HNS
photo by Tommy Early

Letter To The People - December 2014
by Rökker
December 2014
(3095) Page Views

Cornerstone reunion memories, Rökker Vodka - buy local for the holidays, Savatore’s Tomato Pies comes to Madison, Adventures with Lizzie & Nikko - Lizzie is competing in poms and Nikko performs 6 of the 12 Great Grooves with his dad


The Empress, Paul Allender, Darth Rökker downstairs at the Frequency in Madison, WI - photo by Ferris.B Photography The Empress, Paul Allender, Darth Rökker downstairs at the Frequency in Madison, WI
photo by Ferris.B Photography

Letter To The People - November 2014
by Rökker
November 2014
(4519) Page Views

Rökker’s Birthday Party, Cornerstone Reunion, Halloween, Adventures with Lizzie & Nikko


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