Eclectic Vibes
by Andrew Frey

David & Steve Gordon - Earth Drum: The 25th Anniversary Collection, Vol. 1
David & Steve GordonEarth Drum: The 25th Anniversary Collection, Vol. 1
Label: Sequoia Records
A collection of this famous duo’s favorite global drum fusions from their past 25 years. Beautiful, serene and trance-invoking drum visions. With bonus DVD of music and landscape visuals.
• David & Steve Gordon Website • David & Steve Gordon Wiki
Dead Child - Attack
Dead ChildAttack
Label: Touch and Go/Quarterstick Records
grooves of doom take flight from their terse, rudimentary beginnings and find fertile ground as the tonalities grow darker and more aggressive. Clean bad boy vocals spice the palette.
• Dead Child Website • Dead Child Wiki
Glenn Patrik - Mr. Blues Jr.
Glenn PatrikMr. Blues Jr.
Label: Glenn P.M. Patrik
Saucy and charismatic encampments of flavorful blues. The organ and harmonica with the screaming and wailing guitar make poignant the subtle rhythmic rebuttals of this veteran bluesman.
• Glenn Patrik Website
Immortal Dominion - Awakening
Immortal DominionAwakening
Label: Fist Music
Technologically current, ultra heavy, ultra brutal, well produced death fuckin’ metal!!! A trio of vocal tonalities raises the capabilities and the chaos of this furious and futuristic Colorado outcropping.
• Immortal Dominion Website • Immortal Dominion Wiki
Jaya Lakshmi - Sublime
Jaya LakshmiSublime
Label: Sequoia Records
Continuing on with her tradition of utilizing top talent and great producers to produce a very NOW direction to her offerings of Bhakti yoga. This Kirtan themed voyage of chant, chill and grace will carry the listener to alcoves of serenity and blissful platitudes.
• Jaya Lakshmi Website
Victims Of Circumstance - Do It Yourself
Victims Of CircumstanceDo It Yourself
Label: Financial Records
Electing to point their musical feet in a skanking direction, this Tampa group finesses relisten-ability via their sonic soliloquies of memorable punk rock protuberances.
• Victims Of Circumstance Website • Victims Of Circumstance Wiki
Liquid Jungle - Tiny Heaven
Liquid JungleTiny Heaven
Label: Self Released
Prog rock from Atlanta with a serious funk kick and some interesting quirks. The interplay of vocal harmonies amidst the disparate instrumental aptitudes serves to amplify the slurry of intriguing and beguiling musical intensities.
• Liquid Jungle Website
Lion's Share - Emotional Coma
Lion's ShareEmotional Coma
Label: Locomotive Spain Records
A masterful selection of whirled classic metal riffs with a thrashing power metal type undertow as directed by band mastermind Lars Chriss. Thanks to the distinctive and awesome Dio era vocals of Patrik Johansson (ASTRAL DOORS and WUTHERING HEIGHTS) this album packs a crunchy, satisfying punch!
• Lion's Share Website
Mortal Love - Forever Will Be Gone
Mortal LoveForever Will Be Gone
Label: Locomotive Spain Records
A Female fronted gothic metal frolic from Oslo, Norway. Dynamic and dramatic gloomy melancholic texturing affront the characteristic moods of time and pace.
• Mortal Love Website • Mortal Love Wiki
Rupa and the April Fishes - ExtraOrdinary Rendition
Rupa and the April FishesExtraOrdinary Rendition
Label: Cumbancha Records
Etherial and whimsical whisperings spoken thru the flickering flame of chanteuse Rupa Marya. Tantalized with a multicultural temptation of sultry awareness amidst the occasional Euro spin, raga, or mariachi interlude. Superb.
• Rupa and the April Fishes Website
Those Poor Bastards - The Plague
Those Poor BastardsThe Plague
Label: Tribulation Recording Company
Unsettling gothic gospel altercations spun and thickened with a dark angst and a rustic atmosphere. Coarse vocals are set amidst a haunting cacophony of vintage instruments and cantankerous rhythms. Hank III approved!
• Those Poor Bastards Website
A Tortured Soul - Kiss of the Thorn
A Tortured SoulKiss of the Thorn
Label: Eyes Like Snow/Northern Silence Records
Operatic and progressive old-school gothic metal (ala Priest, King Diamond, Shadow’s Fall) from Milwaukee but signed to a German Label. Shadowy doom protruding from a festering pool of abstract progressions.
• A Tortured Soul WebsiteView More
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