Eclectic Vibes
by Andrew Frey

Fat Freddy's Drop - Dr. Boondigga & The Big BW
Fat Freddy's DropDr. Boondigga & The Big BW
Label: Drop Records
Reggae ribbed rhythms from New Zealand sway with the cool breeze of tropical dances while skipping across numerous global music resonances and inspirations. Infectious ambient soultronica sunsets smoothly slip into hazy jazzy dub pop and future groove friendly hip hop.
• Fat Freddy's Drop Website • Fat Freddy's Drop Wiki
High Ceiling - Illusions
High CeilingIllusions
Label: Self Released
Easy flowing reggae escapades that ascend into effervescent jams and rootsy rock anthems. Fundamentally joyful this Washington act lyrically takes time to delve into socio/political topics of relevance while also managing to organize their own festival - Skok Valley Music Rally.
• High Ceiling Website
Mahala Rai Banda - Ghetto Blasters
Mahala Rai BandaGhetto Blasters
Label: Asphalt Tango Records
Warning: Listening to this could cause an Instantaneous Dance Infection! Balkan, Gypsy, and Rai styles coalesce into driving compulsions of neck wrecking horn breakdowns and contagious hip swinging parties. Very memorable.
• Mahala Rai Banda Wiki
Rupa And The April Fishes - Este Mundo
Rupa And The April FishesEste Mundo
Label: Cumbancha Records
Tossing an entrancing musical salad filled with Indian ragas, French chanson, Colombian cumbia and a wild Gypsy panache. Headed by the mega-talented Rupa Marya, the multilingual sophomore effort from these San Francisco natives explores the concept of timeless human migrations finding voice through a range of musical emotions.
• Rupa And The April Fishes Website • Rupa And The April Fishes Wiki
T.U.G.G. - Slow Chill
T.U.G.G.Slow Chill
Label: Last Call Records
Tropical feelings pervade when these warm reggae vibrations envelope the melodies and happily bounce along with the wise minded values expressed. Featuring guest musician Pato Banton their jams continue to expand. Hard to believe they are from Wisconsin.
• T.U.G.G. Website
Vandana Vishwas - Meera The Lover…
Vandana VishwasMeera The Lover…
Label: Self Released
Vandana’s gently gliding vocals are more entrancing than the tablas in this musical respinning of classic poems epitomizing specific life points in the famous story of Meera Bai. This beautifully delivered traditional Indian devotional music is available with or without story narrative.
• Vandana Vishwas Website
Väsen - Vasen Street
VäsenVasen Street
Label: Northside Records
The amazing Nyckelharpa (a fiddle with a keyboard) matched with guitars and viola charm again as this iconic instrumental Swedish folk trio brings us a street-full of songs and mark their 20th year. Utilizing their various vast infiltrations of innovation they still manage to stay rapt in the musical traditions they were born with while shining brightly to the world.
• Väsen Website • Väsen Wiki
Eli August - I Was Already Too Late
Eli AugustI Was Already Too Late
Label: Self Released
Fermata guitarist (aka Jon Koschorek) simplifies and strikes out on his own. Keeping with the melodramatic and introspective gothic time period music that seem to effortlessly stream from his musical muses, he stalwartly funnels forth a brief splash of somber memories and distant emotions for your inspection.
• Eli August Website
Gabriel Johnson - Fra_ctured
Gabriel JohnsonFra_ctured
Label: Electrofone Music
Born on the whims and whimsy of quirky electronica, this phenom trumpeter has found liberating fields of instrumental bliss through jubilant ProTools antics and his own “fractured jazz” notions. He bids you to enter this new frontier and play with him.
• Gabriel Johnson Website
Lovewhip - Love Electric
LovewhipLove Electric
Label: Self Released
These inviting new wave tinged electro pop anthems are synthesized for your dancing pleasure. Specially delivered with a sleek and sexy, booty moving undertow the songs are delicately spiced with the fun, frisky and retro elements of disco, reggae, and rock.
• Lovewhip Website
Robots In Boxes - From Outer Space
Robots In BoxesFrom Outer Space
Label: Self Released
What starts as a clever techno diatribe on the philosophical aspects of robotic integration into our human existence spins out into somnambulistic industrial ambience. The initial quirkiness and bracing samples flush into minimalistic urges and tendencies with little reward.
• Robots In Boxes Website
Robert Soko - BalkanBeats
Robert SokoBalkanBeats
Label: Piranha Music
Encapsulating the energy, excitement and amazing confluence of various Balkan dance grooves that erupt once a month at club Lido in Berlin thanks to this renowned DJ. A trailblazer since the early 90s, Soko hosts this international dance party friendly to both his fellow Balkan expatriates as well as the vibrant Berlin club crowds. Current and contagious!
• Robert Soko WebsiteView More
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