Zebbler Encanti Experience
Album title: Psychic Projections
Record Label: Gravitas Recordings
Rating: 10
by Andrew Frey
February 2013
(2404) Page Views
Zebbler Encanti Experience - Psychic Projections
An audio/visual duo from Boston consisting of Ben ‘Encanti’ Cantil and Peter ‘Zebbler’ Berdovsky. Encanti takes the lead in musical realms while Zebbler sits as master of all things visual. Together they have woven a frenzy of dynamic compositions that blast through mind-wrenching dubstep drops plateauing in downdempo melodies and cerebral sound progressions. In high demand, Zebbler was architect behind the projection-mapped projects Shpongletron and EOTOtron in addition to acting as VJ for well over 100 international shows for both groups. Something quite special here…
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