Grouch in Dub

Album title: Grouch in Dub
Record Label: Shanti Planti
Rating: 8
by Andrew Frey
April 2018
(1420) Page Views

Grouch in Dub - Grouch in Dub

Grouch in Dub - Grouch in Dub

Globe trotting New Zealand electronic producer Grouch (Oscar Allison) has tested and tried many styles and genres of music, but with Grouch in Dub he has really hit his stride. Harnessing a number of guest collaborators who inject everything from vocals, trumpet and clarinet to violin, sitar and bansuri to his psychedelic dub-tastic mixes, further accentuate his fluid approach, while also fulfilling his live performances.  A sublime offering filled with style and pizzazz.

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