Turiya Nada

Album title: Arakara: Ecstasy of the Awake - Ancient Siddhar Yoga Resonance
Record Label: White Swan
Rating: 9
by Andrew Frey
October 2013
(2334) Page Views

Turiya Nada - Arakara: Ecstasy of the Awake - Ancient Siddhar Yoga Resonance

Turiya Nada - Arakara: Ecstasy of the Awake - Ancient Siddhar Yoga Resonance

While most musicians don’t aspire to actually live the life of a yogi. Turiya Nada (aka Tapasyogi Nandhi) is the exception to that rule. And part of living that lifestyle for him involves sharing ancient consciousness-raising Siddhar chants and mantras with the world. On this release, 21st century electronic soundscapes float behind and around these powerful chants to evoke and enrich the vital message and power of Oneness in an effort to awaken your inner guru.

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