Yam Haus

An Interview with the fast growing high spirited band Yam Haus.
by Emily Sisson
April 2019

Yam Haus hanging out in downtown Milwaukee  - photo by  Emily Sisson (ESOfficialStudios)

Yam Haus hanging out in downtown Milwaukee
photo by Emily Sisson (ESOfficialStudios)

Where do we belong in life? How do I fit into the world? Where’s the spark? What is love? Baby dont hurt me. You can’t help but feel inquisitive and optimistic when listing to Yam Haus’s “Stargazer”. This Minneapolis based pop band paints the picture of your dream future and present it in the palm of your hands, and I like it. Their album stargazer has close to 30,000 monthly spotify listeners, combined with their mass youtube following this band is soon to be blowing up the US radio in the upcoming months, I am sure of that fact. Yam Haus’s members Lars Pruitt (singer/guitar),Jake Felstow (drums),Seth Blum(Lead guitar), Zack Beinlich(bass) aim to bring you more than just music. Yam Haus’s anthem of the dreamer ‘Stargazer’ comes from what seemed to be a well welcomed eye opener. Their career was just starting off and they had nothing but dreams lying ahead when singer Lars’ relationship Abruptly ended.

“It was a unique time frame between really good things happening in my life professionally but really challenging things personally… I was almost feeling like I was a small little speck in the world watching my life go by. That’s why I named it Stargazer. A lot of themes come from me observing what had happened and finding my place.” Lars states. The band later recorded their first album entitled Stargazer recorded here in Hudson, Wisconsin. On June 8th 2018 that dream was turned into a reality as they released the album to thousands of listeners.

Of course when listing to the album it would be hard to pick out that the title track came from heartbreak. The songs feel like they are driving you to a place of ease and contentment. “I’ve had so many songs change my life. When writing we’re thinking ‘maybe that will be something we can give to someone else’ .. That would be the goal.” Seth conveyed. At that point, they started something monumental. What’s the next dream? Tour of course! So they headed to conquer the midwest in hopes to grow their music and mindset. “I think the goal is that. People would feel a sense of happiness and joy. Happy to be where they are and with the people they are with. Being able to not take themselves so seriously, smile and have fun.” Jake claims.

When seeing them live if you haven’t seen them before, the thing that hits you immediately after their stage presence is their infectious groove. Fitting since they have a song named ‘Groovin’ (That Feel Good Song) . But I kid you not, I audibly heard in the crowd “OOH, okay…alright…yeah” and proceed to melt into the song. Which is personally something I love in live shows. When you haven’t heard a band’s music before and you feel that something that grabs you, or you grab it. Regardless, something sentimental hits you. Yam Haus had that.“ I love connecting with people when were playing live. I think that’s hands down one of my favorite things. To see people walk in a room. Maybe they feel uncomfortable and had a terrible week or processing a lot. And then see them actually enjoy the music and kind of let go of what’s going on in their lives and be able to have fun. That’s a cool thing for me.”  Zack expresses. Maybe I’m selfish but I appreciate a band with the ability to want to push all the crap out of my mind that I don’t want to think about.  Surprisingly, I find it’s actually less expensive than hiring a professional therapist. No Dr. Phil for me, I’ll go to a live show and dream about the West Coast.

YAM in yam haus stands for “a very simple way to remember treat other people well” Says Seth. You Are Me. “It helps in all aspects of life, politically and religiously. If you can learn to give people the same amount of value you give yourself. World peace could be a reality” says Lars.

“For some reason the line from “Get Somewhere”. ‘I think I’m right where I belong’ is a pretty common theme throughout a lot of the songs “ says Jake. “ Just the idea of being present in the moment and where your at right now. You can think about the past your can think about the future. But are you there right now?”

And what’s more right now then social media; which these guys are no stranger to. Along with playing music these guys also play the game of Youtube. Jake explains “Youtube is interesting because you have the ability to tell as story through video. Where Instagram is kind of a highlight reel of snapshot moments. Youtube you can share whatever you want.  And so it’s cool to see people want to be a part of the journey with us.” I think that’s what resonates in their music as well. They take you along their journey and it hits so close to home. Because even if you can’t admit it there is a dreamer in all of us, even politicians. *BA BOOM CSH*

“I hope people can find something about themselves in the music. I think all the best music, you sort of listen to it and you think about where you were in life when you enjoyed that song. And then you sort of start to create your own soundtrack to that music. And I hope its inviting enough to allow that to happen where you sort of insert yourself in a way. You know, because it comes from a personal place. But I think good song writing makes you feel like its about you.” I enjoy how personal and relatable the songs are. The Song ‘Forever’ for example. “I think that the sentiment can last a while. Its a reminder to me, embracing the moment. Life is just a series of moments and then it’s gone so just enjoy it and make the most of it when you have it. I think? I don’t know.” Lars questions as most of us do.

Their music is fine and fun. And the band itself has nothing but open arms and the need to share fun. I felt pretty good hangin’ out with these guys. And I think any other dreamers out there would too. It’s one thing to spread the love of peace and friendliness in your songs, but living it is another. I think that’s something we should all chase. And if your not ready to chase down a new lifestyle, you can always chase down one of their shows for a fun night.

Check out the photos from the time I spent with them as well as photos from their Miramar Theater live show @ www.esofficial.com/yamhaus

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Yam Haus
CD: Stargazer Record Label: Hover Coalition