Mesmerized In Madison Compilation CD

An interview with Vanishing Kids' Jason Hartman, the man behind the "Mesmerized In Madison" compilation
by Mike Huberty
January 2016

Vanishing Kids Live!

Vanishing Kids Live!

Jason Hartman has been part of the driving force behind Madison (and for a few years, the Pacific Northwest) electronic art-rock band, VANISHING KIDS, as well as touring Europe and North America with psychedelic doom metallers JEX THOTH. He’s put together a limited release CD and vinyl compilation of some exclusive and unreleased tracks from his favorite Madison bands that’s coming out this month. The official party will be at Mickey’s Tavern on February 13th and I talked to Jason about the new compilation entitled Mesmerized In Madison. Maximum Ink: Who is the engine behind Mesmerized In Madison?
Jason Hartman
: It’s just me putting the comp together. I’ve done 2 others in the past under my label BRIGHT AS NIGHT RECORDS… The first two were just random bands that I liked from all over. This one is different as it is specific to recent Madison bands.

MI: When did the idea get to “Okay, I’m doing it, no turning back now”?
JH: I can’t remember the moment I committed to this. I think about projects for a long time before actually going through with it. Since I’ve been back in Madison the last 5 years I’ve been impressed with the quality and diversity the scene has these days and after discovering several incredible artists in the area I thought it would be cool to document this particular time in Madison music history.

MI: What were the criteria for picking the bands on the compilation?
Just that the music was current or released recently and that it was Madison based. I wanted to show the diversity in the scene so genre wasn’t really a factor.

MI: What are some of your favorite songs on the compilation? Were any of them written specifically for the compilations? Which ones?
I like everything on the comp. I have always been a big fan of Alex and Kristine Drake’s music (SARDONYX on the compilation, currently TUBAL CAIN, formerly ANTIPRISM and TORMENTULA) and definitely wanted to include them. PANTHER blew me away the few times I got to see them… SAMANTHA GLASS and GOLDEN DONNA (AUSCULTATION on the comp) both are artists I discovered on vinyl before actually seeing them… I’ve been a fan of ZEBRAS and THOSE POOR BASTARDS for years… always been in awe of DB PETERSON. I’m a fan of everything on here, it’s hard to pick favorites.

MI: What are VANISHING KIDS up to in 2016?
VK has been busy the last year. We are working on another album at Blast House studios and with Hart Miller’s home studio. We’re going to release an album teaser cassette/CD in the spring and hopefully the full length will be done later in the year. We are working on a video for the track on the comp, “Eyes Of Secrets”… We’ve played some amazing shows in the last few years. Opening for MIKE WATT, SPIRIT CARAVAN, KELLEY DEAL of the BREEDERS and coming up this summer TODAY IS THE DAY at Grimes fest!

MI: What can people expect at the Mickey’s show?
There’s really only 2 bands from the comp at the Mickeys show for the release (VK and RED MUSEUM). I was hoping that it would work out to have more represent the release but half the bands are broken up already, some have moved, etc… Vinyl takes a while to press up so it’s been nearly a year since this whole idea began. It was also a crowd funded release which takes more time. It’s just a bunch of great Madison bands, RED MUSEUM and CONJUROR are both electronic acts. CAVE CURSE is Bobby Hussy’s new project, keyboard and drum duo. DOS MALES features members of BONGZILLA and PANTHER, sludgy doom metal. VK will be playing our newest material, a mix of psych, classic rock, doom and gloom.

MI: Anything else?
After the show the comp will be available at Ear Wax Records and Mad City. They both contributed to make this happen. Also Culture Shock if you’re in Rockford. I’ve got more ideas for the future for BRIGHT AS NIGHT RECORDS so stay tuned! If you ever have a problem you can’t figure out, just ask yourself WWPD? What would Prince do?

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Mesmerized In Madison Compilation CD Online:

Mesmerized In Madison Compilation CD
CD: Mesmerized In Madison Record Label: Bright As Night Records